World War Two Unit Study



As an alternative you can now study 'N or M' by Agatha Christie as your spine text.

Age Range:  8-14
Duration:  8 weeks

This is a study of World War Two and covers a wide variety of subjects.  Although designed to be used by a small group, meeting once a week with independent work to be completed between meetings, it can be used by a family or individual child.  It is available exclusively from Resource Mouse and requires no further study guides.

  • The ‘spine’ reading book is “Worrals Carries On”, a children’s book written during World War Two.
  • Weekly suggestions for books and films/TV series but these are not essential and many can be obtained from your local library.
  • Further activities include research and writing tasks; D&T projects; maths and problem solving; creating a wonderful History Project Book about the main events of the war; living history activities and more.


Spine Novel  Worrals Carries On  Capt W E Johns 
Study Guide  World War Two  Resource Mouse


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